
“Not to Know About God, to Know God” – God is Good, Always

Recently, a particular phrase caught my attention as a friend and I discussed our college-aged children and their acceptance into the first universities of their choice. Not surprisingly, I had just heard the same phrase used in church on a…
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How Can I Date Without Being Desperate?

Dear Joy, I'm a young Christian woman looking to find the right guy, but I'm worried about being desperate and settling. How can I date without desperation? Sincerely, Lucy Dear Lucy, I know that feeling of being desperate. We…
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Sanctification Happens

What is Sanctification and Is it Happening to Me? To be sanctified means (a) to be set apart for God’s will and purposes (b) to be made holy, pure, or sacred or (c) to become perfect in function. Sanctification is a theological…

Gifts of the Holy Spirit

What Are Spiritual Gifts? There are eighteen "gifts of the Spirit" listed in Romans 12, I Corinthians 12 and Ephesians 4. "Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit" (I Corinthians 12:4). Dr. H. L. Willmington outlines…